Wednesday, March 24, 2010

No To Hate

This afternoon, I signed on to a petition being circulated by COLOR OF CHANGE, insisting that Republican leadership in Congress "make clear that [they] will not tolerate fear-mongering and coded appeals to racism from officials in the Republican party, at any level."  If you watched news coverage of the weekend's health care debate, you were probably as disturbed as I was by the hyped-up rhetoric and bigotry of what has to be called the 'far' right.  From the "Tea Party Movement" to members of Congress themselves, too many voices seemed to legitimate a McCarthy-esque blame game.  I fear they've sown seeds of contempt, division and perhaps even violence.  It seems wise for a whole lot of us to say so, to let them know we're watching and listening.  The hard work of dismantling racism, homophobia and xenophobia goes on.  And we have to do better.

Click on the "Color of Change" link above to sign on to the petition.  We can do better.  Yes, we can!