Sunday, May 18, 2014

Sabbath Sunrise!

Sunrise on Patmos

Doves calling to other doves, roosters to other roosters: the world woke me up this morning.  The Maker of heaven and earth said: TIME TO GET UP!  Just before six.  And rising out of the hills of distant Turkey--the sun!  

What came to mind, almost immediately, was Handel's "Hallelujah Chorus!"  After all, the signature texts owe everything to Patmos and John's Revelation: "King of kings and Lord of lords!" and "The kingdom of the world has become the kingdom of our Lord!" and "He will reign forever and ever!" (Rev. 11:15).

It's strange to imagine Handel's immense achievement beginning here, on Patmos, in John's dark and isolated cave.  But maybe that's where genius is often liberated: in the caves of our hearts, in the lovely and lonely vistas we see from there.  Will you spend time in your cave today?
Icon of John the Prophet at the Cave

Stony Path to the "Cave of the Apocalypse"