God of light and darkness, God of joy and sadness, God of our deepest desires and Hope of all earth's peoples: I pray this night for the great, wild universe of your making. I pray, with thanks, for spinning planets and dancing galaxies; with awe, for the creativity at play in shooting stars and evolving fields of light and mystery.
And I pray this night for my own sweet, fragile planet: for the earth beneath me and within me, the earth that is my home and my destiny. Bless, O God, the waters and the seas, the skies and the birds, the living creatures who scamper and crawl, who love and suffer upon this sweet, lovely, living planet.
In your mercy and loving-kindness, bless my friends this night. Bless their hopes, strengthen them in moments of trouble and turmoil, deepen their desire for peace and purpose, for meaning and grace. May each of these dear friends -- a gift in my life -- find rest in the darkness of this night and peace in the presence of your holy and gentle spirit.
As I rest, O Great Love, sow the seeds of Christ in my dreams and in my intentions -- that I may rise tomorrow, an instrument of your peace, a friend of the earth, a disciple open to the gentle direction of my Lord.
Amen and amen.