Saturday, October 1, 2016

What We All Need

Kate and I spent our Friday night watching "Lars and the Real Girl"--a strange premise that evolves quickly, into a sweet and even memorable movie, brimming with hope.  I guess the movie's something like a parable, a story of a family in distress and a young man's grief.  It becomes something of a meditation on pain and sadness, maybe even mental health: and how a healthy and compassionate community makes all the difference.  As one young man moves deeper towards the heart of his hurt, his church steps up and his doctor steps up and his co-workers step up.  He doesn't have to figure it all out, by himself, heroically.  He finds what he needs, and the courage he needs, in the midst of a brave and forgiving and accommodating community.

As you might imagine, I was especially interested (and moved) by the depiction of a church community in a 21st century film.  The church folk adjust to a member's unique needs with grace, with compassion.  Even the pastor (imagine that!) is generous and expansive, theologically and tempermentally.  How sweet!