Sunday, October 23, 2016

Nonviolence, Embodied and Dared

Issa Amro visited Peace United this morning, offering his unique witness to the power of nonviolence and love in one of the West Bank's most difficult and divided settings.  He returns to an uncertain future in Palestine and Israel--as he's been targeted by Israel for prosecution on 18 different counts.  He was gentle and brave, and he was clear on several things.  First, what's happening in his city and country is apartheid: the division of a land based on race and ethnicity, where some get privileges others are denied.

Second, his people have the right -- the human right -- to call on others to join in economic action (boycott, divestment, etc) in order to bring pressure to bear on the government that occupies and oppresses them.

In his voice, in his bearing, Issa represents the best, the wisest of the nonviolent tradition.  And we pray for his safety, as he returns to the West Bank this week.