Sunday, December 11, 2016


This afternoon, my friend Victoria Rue presents, for the first time, "Mary/Maryam: A Play Drawing on Christian and Muslim Traditions"  For an evening, Peace United Church will be a gathering place for Christians and Muslims eager to explore the story and relevance of Mary, and how that story plays out in Christian and Muslim tradition.  Victoria's script includes dance, music and a variety of stories drawing from the New Testament, the non-canonical gospels and the Quran.  It's a thrilling and singular event!

If you come at 4 pm and experience "Mary/Maryam" with us, I invite you to spend a moment afterwards, reflecting on the stories told and their impact on you.  What was most important to you in this experience?  What questions or insights did it raise?  Are you moved to pray in a new way?

If you like, email me your paragraph (or two or three).  I'd like to include them here, on my blog, as a testimony to this powerful experience and the inspiring presence of Mary in our lives!  You can use my email address: