Monday, June 18, 2018

ترنيمه وعود 48 ناصر موسى. قدوس .

“Holy, holy, holy is the Lord Almighty;  
the whole earth is full of his glory.” (3:52 in)

I believe that the language of gratitude is chosen.  If I listen to the ranting of bullies or even the aimless pontificating of pundits, if I make their hubris my own, I find the bully in my own soul charging from target to target, from anger to disappointment and back again.  But if, instead, I listen to the mystics, the poets of joy and resistance, I find another voice, I sense the song of the Singer of All Songs, even in my own spirit.  The language of gratitude is a choice I have to make.  Every day.

Naser Musa played a concert at our church in Santa Cruz many years ago.  Such a gift for music.  Such an ear for praise!  As a Palestinian-American, he brings his traditional training to the contemporary challenge of praise, courage and beauty.  

I listen to his hymn--"Holy, holy, holy!"--and I am grateful for the language of his gratitude, and the potential of my own.  "The whole earth is full of your glory!"