Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Kyrie Eleison!

Sunday, November 11...St. Anne's in North Hollywood...I decided to attend the Arabic liturgy at St. Anne's today...and was moved by the entirety of it, the beauty of it, the glorious iconography, the liturgy, the children engaged in just about all of it.  I love the way the children and priest walk the Gospel around the sanctuary, up and down the aisles.  I love the way "kyrie eleison" weaves the entire liturgy together, from begining through eucharist to the blessing at the end.  Lord, have mercy!

Most dear to me: the reading of the Gospel in Arabic.  This week...the Parable of the Good Samaritan.  We were given the option--if we wished--to move into a side chapel for a sermon in English.  But I stayed behind, with the others, understanding only tiny bits of the preacher's vocabulary (peace, mercy, God)...but letting the gospel of Jesus wash over me just the same.  The compassion.  The tenderness.  The courage of God.

Not far away, fires scorched hillsides in Thousand Oaks.  In France, a wanna-be dictator made a mockery of decency and friendship and even history.  But at St. Anne's, among the sisters and brothers of God, I could hear the voice of Peace, the voice of Christ, calling us all to joyful, sweet, courageous resistance.  "Which of these was neighbor...?"


St. Anne's Melkite Catholic Cathedral

North Hollywood, CA