Wednesday, December 12, 2018

ADVENT 2: "Salvation in Christ?"

I don't know if you'll find it so--but I think Kallistos Ware is a provocative and pastoral companion on the Advent journey.  He's talking about salvation/wholeness/theosis--not as a fundamentalist lottery ticket, and not as a kind of license to self-righteousness and certainty.  No, for the Metropolitan and his Orthodox community, salvation is a journey into paradox, a strange piligrimage with metaphor and symbol and story.  

Most delightfully, Kallistos Ware insists we think and pray and listen EXPANSIVELY to the narratives of sacred word.  It's not about deciphering the one true story, or the one efficacious model to wholeness or salvation.  It's about living with the multiplicity of story, the pervasiveness of metaphor, the befuddling liturgies of paradox at the heart of Christianity itself.  I love this stuff.  And I think it follows that how we READ scripture matters: that we read playfully, thoughtfully, collaboratively; that we keep our eyes and hearts on the prize of justice, humility and mercy; that we allow the voices and languages of scripture to speak in our lives and meet us in our daily round.

Keep watch.