Thursday, January 9, 2020

DAY'S END: "Thoughts on a Fast"

As the sun sets across New Hampshire and the gentle, but proud moon keeps watch, I sense a gathering restlessness within.  I am hungry now.  My stomach growls.  With two meeetings remaining in a busy day, I'm easily distracted and anticipating supper.  Sometime soon, this simple fast will be broken.

If ours is a fast for justice, a fast for peace, it unsettles the mind and disorients the body.  Maybe this is the turning, the turning toward new priorities and ways, a reorientation to the mind and ministry of Christ.  My arms are just a bit weaker tonight.  My fingers, just little unsteady.  Faith.  Following.  

Loving God, through whom all beings ache for justice and new life, bless the brave work of Zoughbi Zoughbi and Usama Nicola in Bethlehem tonight.  And encourage the bold witness of Medea Benjamin and every CODEPINK activist in Washington.  Fill their hearts with hope, bind our many dreams into one vibrant and resilient vision: that we might make peace--with our hands, with our prayers, with our words, with our courage.  Amen.