Tuesday, December 29, 2020

PRAYER: "For Miriam"

We've been invited into a circle of prayer for the lives of Miriam Enyaga and her newborn son, Josiah, in Kampala, Uganda.  While Josiah was delivered, just this week, by emergency c-section, Miriam is desperately ill with COVID-19.

Among many other things, Miriam is Director of the Empowerment Program at 10,000 Lights Women's Centre there in Uganda.  In that role, she has worked tirelessly to help survivors of terrible violence, as they transform their lives and live into the promise and wonder that are their inheritance. 

Several of us -- at the Community Church of Durham -- are signing on for hour-long vigils tonight, as Miriam fights for her life, and the Spirit of God with her.  I'm grateful to my friends at the New Roots AME Church in Dorchester for making this connection, and for inviting us to join the vigil.  This year, we've been reminded -- in several ways -- by the courage and faith of friends in Central Africa, whose passion for justice and community is a sign to us of the work we must do in our own cities, towns and states.  May Miriam know healing, and may her many colleagues find deep currents of purpose during these difficult days.

My own assigned hour is the deep night hour, between 1 am and 2 am.  And this will be my prayer:

Let the soul proclaim your greatness, O God,
Let the spirit magnify your holy name!
In this beloved disciple, in your daughter Miriam,
You have rejoiced in righteousness and truth.

Look, then, on the suffering of your servant;
Through her life, through her courage, so many are blessed!
Shine with mercy upon the one who walks in your paths,
Lift her in hope, and in strength, with healing love.

For you have cast down the mighty from thrones,
And lifted the lowly to places of honor and joy.
You have filled the hungry with nourishing food,
And sent away the proud empty-handed.

By Miriam have the people found blessing,
So in her life and for her many friends and family,
Bring healing and peace, sweet breath of resurrection,
And sing once more, with all your servants, songs of life.

Amen, amen, amen!

After Mary's Magnificant, Luke 1
DGJ 12/29/20