I hope you'll join me for Lauds, our morning prayers, as the Beloved Community greets each new day in peace and faith. Let our hearts be opened wide to the invitation of Jesus: to love abundantly, to do justice bravely and to seek the peace of our cities, towns and nations. Most often I'll stream these prayers on Facebook Live at 8 am, and then post them to the blog a little after that.
Many and great, O God, are your works,
Maker of earth and sky!
Grant unto us communion with you,
O star-abiding One!
O Holy Light, O Wisdom, O Christ:
Lift our spirits now, raise your servant church to life.
As night turns to day, and dark welcomes dawn,
Open our eyes that we may see your face
In the joys, in the wonders, in the strange struggles
(Grant unto us communion with you, O star-abiding One!)
Peace to you, dear friends! When we pray together -- as we do here -- we lean into the grace of God, the mercy of God, and the beloved community that is our true hope and calling. So welcome! You'll find the text of these morning prayers on my blog, "Valley Rise Up." In the gentle pauses that follow, I hope you'll add your own prayers, your own praise to our community's lauds. We pray together.
Creek Alleluya
I praise You, God, for light and for dark, for seasons and for cycles. [ALLELUIA]
I praise You, God, for the body's strength and for the body's frailty. [ALLELUIA]
I praise You, God, for the trails that make sense to me,
and for the paths that go nowhere at all. [ALLELUIA]
With our own words, spoken or silent, we praise You, God,
for the graces and gifts in our particular lives...
(You're invited to offer your own praise, for all that is and all that you are.)
Creek Alleluya
Let the mind of Jesus be in us and with us:
That we might receive today's gifts with joy,
That we might bear today's sorrow in faith,
And that we might keep our eyes on the prize
Of liberation, celebration and the beloved community
Of all beings, all peoples, and all souls.
Amen and amen.
Five Minutes of Silence & Meditation
You’re invited to experience the active, generous presence of God—in your body, in your soul, in our ruah. Remember that the Bible uses this one Hebrew word (ruah) for “spirit” and for “wind” and for “breath.” As we sit quietly and breath mindfully, we are aware of the Spirit’s tender and resilient movement in our lives.
If your mind wanders, do not be harsh or judgmental. Simply notice the wandering mind, and then return to your breath. Return to the Spirit who is your companion in prayer.
The Bell Rings
We praise You for the breath.
We praise You for the Spirit.
We praise You for the gift of life itself.
Prayers of the People
We are called to community and communion.
We are called to witness and resistance.
And we are called to compassion and prayer.
A salaam-u-aleikum
A salaam-u-aleikum
Salaam, salaam, a salaam-u-aleikum!
For those who are sick and ailing today, for those who are anxious and frightened today, and for the caregivers, nurses and doctors devoted to their well-being--that all may know the generous spirit of grace and peace:
God, have mercy.
For all who seek racial justice, and for those committed to systemic and consequential change on the path to nonviolent and just national renewal:
God, have mercy.
For immigrants and refugees so far from home, that their hearts may be strengthened by faith and that their journeys to freedom be hastened by grace:
God, have mercy.
For our friends incarcerated in institutions and jails, especially those at the Strafford County Jail in Dover, and for prisoners of conscience living for freedom, that holy hope rise in their hearts and mercy make them wise:
God, have mercy.
For others we name here and now, for NAME and NAME, for NAME and NAME,
and for so many other friends, partners and antagonists,
that they too may know comfort and companionship among friends;
we pray for them by name:
(You're invited to offer into prayer the names of those you hold in love or gratitude today.)
A salaam-u-aleikum
A salaam-u-aleikum
Salaam, salaam, a salaam-u-aleikum!
Our Intention
I invite you now to consider your own intention for the day to come: how you might face the opportunities, responsibilities and mysteries that stretch out across morning, afternoon and nightime. How do you intend to live this day, the day you're given, on planet earth? And in a quiet moment, offer this intention to God, and receive God's promise of companionship and blessing.
I invite you now to consider your own intention for the day to come: how you might face the opportunities, responsibilities and mysteries that stretch out across morning, afternoon and nightime. How do you intend to live this day, the day you're given, on planet earth? And in a quiet moment, offer this intention to God, and receive God's promise of companionship and blessing.
This, O God, is my intention...
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace:
where there is hatred, let me sow love;where there is injury, pardon;
where there is doubt, faith;
where there is despair, hope;
where there is meanness, wisdom;
where there is sadness, joy.
Christ our Teacher, grant that I may not so much seek
to be consoled as to console,
to be understood as to understand,
to be loved as to love.
For it is in giving that we receive,
it is in forgiving that we are forgiven,
and it is in dying that we are born to mercy and eternal life.
People's Response
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me...
Melt me, mold me, fill me, use me
Spirit of the Living God, fall afresh on me
May the God who
shakes heaven and earth,
Whom death could not contain,
Whom empire could not intimidate,
Whom hatred could not diminish,
Bless you with the power to go forth
And proclaim the gospel.
And may the God who awakens the morning,
Who delights the chorus of birds who sing,
Who choreographs the dancing of tall trees,
Who welcomes all creation to holy communion,
Bless you with the wisdom to go forth
To be the gospel, to shine with the gospel:
To bear the gospel of peace.
And the God of our many ancestors, the God of the salty prophets and the simple saints, goes with you! So go in joy, and live generously on planet earth.
Until next time, my friends, in all things and in all ways, BE WELL AND LIVE INTO THE BLESSING OF YOUR LIFE!