Friday, January 7, 2022

POEM: "Sea of Love"

A Poem for Epiphany
If I am baptized into this Sea of Love,
Into this Shimmering Sea of Unity and Light,
Nothing will ever separate me from You,
And I will not fear, will not fear tomorrow's fire.
If I am joined this night to your body, your pain,
If I am joined forever to your Broken Heart,
I have clothed myself anew in holy hope,
And defiant confidence that all will be well.
In these waters I taste the Tigris and the Karun.
In these waters I see children playing, singing.
In these waters I feel Miriam's tambourine
And Moses stirring in my heart, my fingers, my life.
I will fume in the presence of Caesar's chariots,
And I will roar at the Pharaoh's twisted tweets,
But I will renewed by your Cup, by your Promise,
And I will rise with the dawn to love You without fear.
6 January 2020