Wednesday, May 25, 2022

PRAYER: "For Uvalde"

God of every broken and bleeding heart:

Through our tears we pray for the dead in Texas tonight. And through our rage we reject the premise that guns make America free or safe or wise. We grieve for every family closing a door on any empty bedroom in Uvalde, and for every heart broken in Buffalo too. Our lust for weaponry has consumed them and betrayed them. And we will not sleep so easily tonight. You teach us to instruct your children in the ways of mercy and justice--but we have grown accustomed to arming them with despair and the terrible weapons of war and destruction. Turn our hearts to true and consequential change. Break the hold of the vicious purveyors of death who create, market and sell this madness to us, and to our children. God of the weary and broken, comfort the afflicted tonight...but don't stop the name of Love...turn our hearts to justice and peace.

Amen and Ashe.