Friday, May 6, 2022

TO MY CHURCH: "This Week"

Friends and Beloved Community,

I imagine that, among us, we have varied opinions about the decades-long debate around abortion in America.  There are different ways to think about life, and when it begins, and how to care for families.  And I do respect those who think about these things deeply, and arrive at their perspectives thoughtfully.  In our United Church of Christ, we cherish the individual's freedom to reflect, to ponder, to wrestle and to make critical moral choices.  And there's a remarkable diversity in our wider church around many things.

And it's exactly this notion of moral freedom and human agency that shapes my outrage at this week's draft out of the Supreme Court, a draft that reveals the Court's willingness to overturn Roe v. Wade (and the freedom of our sisters to make sensitive, critical, moral choices around their own bodies and reproductive health).  That freedom has been settled law among us for 50 years, affirmed by generations of women and men, an acknowledged human right.  And for a long while, a strong majority of Americans (as many as 80% in reports this week)--across the political rainbow--have cherished it and honored it.

What angers me so is the deliberate subversion of democratic polity represented by this week's draft out of the Court.  Using gerrymandered voting districts, fearful ideological arguments and politically-motivated court appointments, the Far Right has thumbed its nose at democracy and "installed" its own repressive theology and practice.  And I submit this should anger and motivate us all.  To do better.  To be better.  To wake up.

It is not OK by me--or most in my religious tradition and community, this United Church of Christ--that this meanspirited political movement is prepared (somewhat gleefully) to retract the rights so bravely won by so many over such a long time.  In the process, they have revealed a deep-seated contempt for our core values, and for the democratic project itself. 

And, make no mistake, that same meanspirited movement has other rights in mind.  They will not stop here.

We will certainly have differences about these things.  That's always and gladly the case.  But I want you all to know where I'm at.  And where I've been this week.

Yours on the Way,

Dave Grishaw-Jones, Pastor