Tuesday, May 9, 2023

WATCH: "Two Films, One Moral Imperative"

May 2023:

From "Breaking The Silence" (an Israeli Network of Peace Advocates):

"A six year old and eight year old were killed in last night’s attack on Gaza. Children are killed as a direct result of Israeli policy. They are victims of Orwellian promises that our bombings are “surgical” and “precision operations” on the dense enclave we keep under siege.

"This is only the latest attack on Gaza. Israeli politicians rely on our short memories every time they drop bombs. They tell us it’s deterrence, that it keeps us safe. They tell us this so we don’t look our actions in the eye while they play political games with blood.

"This is a cycle of violence we directly perpetuate and support as a society. We’re silent on policies that get children killed; blind to lives lost on the other side of the line. Until we see and speak the truth, we’ll keep circling back to this supposed “no-choice” reality."

New Hampshire friends:

This is why our allies in Israel and Palestine are asking the American Church to stand up and be counted.  It's American support, American complicity, American silence that makes all this violence and all this bloodshed possible.  We can make a difference.

Join us at the Community Church of Durham this Saturday, May 13...as we watch two films on the conflict...and explore ways to bear witness to the brave aspirations of peacemakers and allies in Israel and Palestine.  We can and we will speak truth to power.  We'll watch "Protecting Human Rights in Occupied Palestine" at 5 (in the chapel) and then break for pizza.  We'll watch "Boycott" at 7.

Email me for more information: DavidGJ@CCDurham.org.