God of our dreams, God of all dreams,
God of our children, God of all children,
We pray tonight for our nation and for those elected to lead us.
Bless every one of these leaders with wisdom, courage and compassion.
Bless every one with a spirit of decency and concern for the common good.
In your mercy, help us to turn from selfishness and narrow-mindedness.
Teach us to find reason for compromise and to pursue the largest possible vision.
God of our lands and all lands,
God of our seas and all seas,
God of this spinning planet and all planets,
Grant our leaders deep conviction and integrity.
When the bitter wind of partisanship blows hard,
grant them the discipline to seek truth and work toward just purposes and peace.
Help us all to see clearly our failures, to address them humbly,
and then to use our best resources to heal ourselves and our planet.
God whose passion is life, whose heart is love,
Animate in us--Democrat and Republican, Socialist and Libertarian--a passion for public life,
a commitment to participation, a genuine desire to do right by one another.
For we belong to one another in this national body,
we rise and fall together in these united states,
and we depend on your grace for every good gift.
God bless us, God bless all nations, God bless life!