Monday, November 5, 2012
Laugh Track
There's something at stake here, something bigger than Mitt Romney and Barack Obama, something bigger than their debating styles and their polling trends. I think it has to do with climate change, economic vitality on a finite planet, the role of big money and all its distortions. We can laugh now--at scientists, at Obama, at others urging action on climate change. But we look like a flailing, failing empire in the process. We look like an addict stumbling the streets before dawn looking for the next fix. And the last laugh may well be on us.
If the best our government can do--in 2012--is throw up its hands or stick its head in the sand, I'm not sure we're worthy of the 'greatest nation in the history of the earth' thing. The greatest nation acts collaboratively to address injustice. The greatest nation acts collaboratively to extend freedom. The greatest nation acts collaboratively to welcome frightened immigrants. The greatest nation acts collaboratively to meet climate change head on. With courage. With creativity. With scientific and moral integrity. I might be wrong. But I'm not sure Mitt Romney wants to be President of the greatest nation in the history of the earth. I think we wants to be President of the United States of Bain Capital. And that's not good enough for me.