Tuesday, June 17, 2014

Watching the World Cup in Arab Nazareth

People who know me are sometimes surprised at how excited and (unreasonably) biased I can be--when it comes to watching baseball in October or basketball in June.  I like to think I'm fair in most of the arenas of my life: but not so much when it comes to sports!  Imagine my glee, then, in watching the World Cup these last several nights--with my Arab hosts in Nazareth!  They are every bit as excited about these matches as I am about the Red Sox and Yankees.  They argued about the officiating.  They argued as to who were the greater players.  They got REALLY, REALLY into it! 

Interestingly, the family's often divided, as they were last night.  One or two were rooting (fanatically) for Germany; the others (as you'll see) were rooting (to no avail) for Portugal.  The little video here was shot during a German penalty kick--and goal.  It was wild!  And a ton of fun for me.