Wednesday, September 30, 2015

"For the Addicted"--DAILY PRAYER: Matins, 9/30/15

Loving One, Healing Heart, Merciful Jesus,
In prayer today, we lift up all who suffer from addiction and compulsion and powerlessness.  We pray for those closest to us who struggle with alcoholism and addiction and whose sad pain is so very often passed along to us.  We pray for friends whose addictions are somewhat hidden, somewhat silent, but every bit as devastating.  Shine your bright and gracious light into the darkness of their lives, illuminating hope and rousing the spirit for the long journey to healing and recovery.
"Compassionate Christ"

Loving One, Healing Heart, Merciful Jesus,
In prayer today, we lift up the many whose addictions drive decision-making and lead to incarceration and isolation.  Bless the lost with devoted allies, with strong support, with resources that intervene to make a difference.  And expand the conscience of our governments, and our communities, to imagine new solutions, new opportunities, new ways of treating addiction and its consequences.

Loving One, Healing Heart, Merciful Jesus,
In prayer today, we give heartfelt thanks for the many professionals who care, often so thanklessly, in hospitals and clinics and treatment programs for the addicted and lost.  Surely your hand is upon these nurses and counselors, doctors and therapists, and surely their many gifts are signs of the compassionate heart, the presence of mercy, and the true promise of our humanity.

O God of the broken and the whole, and the whole soul within every broken life, empower your church to bear witness to your own passion for healing and grace.  Let us resist every temptation to judge others harshly and seek instead to pursue integrity, honesty and humility on our own journeys of faith.  And let us gather, in the Body of Christ, all who weep and all who suffer and even all who sadly choose chaos over joy.
All these things we ask, giving thanks for the mercy that is ours beyond measure.
Amen and amen.