Monday, January 22, 2024

APARTHEID: "Another Word for Terror"

Multiple sources are reporting now that Israel's Defense Forces are using an AI system called Habsora (or "The Gospel" in English) to expand the killing fields in Gaza and target civilians in a campaign of terror and intimidation.  Let's be clear: this TOO is terrorism.  On the highest order.  Women, children, families, murdered to intimidate and humiliate.  Terror.

And while we're all thinking long and hard about the language we use in relation to this conflict, while we're all accounting for the intense emotions and bewildering fears that grip all sides, the word choice here is insulting (to begin with) and maddening and offensive on so many levels.  

This has to cause outrage and digust among peoples of faith everywhere.  I am outraged.  I am disgusted.  First and foremost, because this kind of killing is wrong.  It's just wrong.  But secondly, I am profoundly digusted by the sneering, dismissive and bigoted way these entities (the company, the government, the military) have distorted and disfigured a central gift and primary practice of disciples of Christ.  "The Gospel?"  Are you serious? 

For this company and the government that uses their systems to call their violence "The Gospel"...For any government ANYWHERE to defame sacred texts, sacred commitments in this way...Shame on you, Habsora.  Shame on you.

Maybe there are white christian nationalists running around who are happy with this, who feel some kind of sadistic pleasure when "The Gospel" is linked with destruction and death...but count me out.  Count me OUT.

I can't remember the last time that I felt this kind of anger at a misuse/abuse of my own identity and tradition; but I'm feeling it tonight.  See +972's report HERE.  Just as we cannot stand for the misuse and demonization of Judaism, just as we cannot stand for the misuse and demonization of Islam, we cannot let this kind of vocabulary go unnoticed or unaddressed.  Shame on you, Habsora.  Shame on you.