Monday, June 10, 2024

ARRAIGNMENT: "For Gaza and Her Children"

My statement at the today's press conference, after the arraignment of the Mothers' Day Five:

As a nation we claim to be committed to the rule of law as a means of promoting justice and peace in a complicated world.  Not “might makes right”--but the rule of law.  This means international laws and treaties and a rules-based approach to international conflict.  

Over the past 8 months, Congress has repeatedly betrayed that commitment–sending billions of dollars of deadly weaponry to Israel for the bombing of hospitals and refugee camps, for the destruction of Gaza and the genocide of the Palestinian people.  And we hear their cry, their excruciating cry, for peace and protection today.  Halfway around the world.

We were arrested last month for insisting that Congressman Pappas answer our concern that he and his colleagues are flaunting and breaking international law in arming Israel against the Palestinian people in Gaza and perpetuating occupation and apartheid.

Dover District Court
June 10, 2024

*Trial is set for October 29 at 1 pm!

REMINDER OF OUR 5/10 and 6/10 ASKS: 

We call on you, Representative Pappas, to take the following actions:

1) Publicly call for an immediate and permanent ceasefire in Gaza and the provision of food and medical supplies, including reinstating funding for UNRWA as the best-poised agency to assist.
2) End military aid to Israel until Palestinians’ and Israelis’ equal human rights are upheld and ongoing abuses ended, as required by International and US laws.
3) Withdraw support for HR 6090, which has been denounced by human rights and civil liberties groups.
4) Sign the “Reject AIPAC” pledge found here: