Friday, February 28, 2025

POEM: "Good Friday"

After Mark 9:2-9

I'm thinking today about this mountain's top
And how satisfying it is to claim a home here.
I'm thinking today about lessons learned,
And risks already taken and good done together.

And you, you look around, and the view is spectacular,
Wild geese in formation, reflected in your eye,
Green fields stretching for miles beneath
Tabor's towering geologic gaze.  
And how good it is!

You say, faith has given us this,
No small gift in a world of despair,
A solidity of conscience and grace.
Cherish this, this moment, this mountain.

Photo by Farzaneh Farhoodi
Then, follow me down, you hasten to say.
Let us break bread with new friends there.
We will find war's forgotten mothers,
And families crushed by debt.
Down is the direction of love.

For this mountain top, even this, cannot contain the joy
Of a beloved community where wounds
Are tended at tables, and hearts sing thanks,
And empire's demons and drones cast out.

And that first step, that very first step
Off Tabor's summit, away from satisfying certainty
And mesmerizing glory, is discipleship.  
Is Good Friday.
Is the seed of a resurrection we can only
Know down, down below.

Friday before the 
Sunday of the Transfiguration
March 2, 2025