Friday, October 9, 2015

"Open My Heart Wide" (10.9.15)

MORNING PRAYER for 10.9.15

Weaving God of all my days, my hopes, my aches: I offer to you all that I am today.  I offer to you my breathing and my vision, my hoping and my best intentions.  I offer to you the relationships I will cultivate today, the conversations I will have, the decisions I make.  Help me, Faithful One, to open my heart wide to the possibilities and promise of grace.  Help me to open my mind wide to new perspectives and ideas.  And make me, shape me, weave me into an instrument of your peace.

I pray for direction today, but not rigidity.  I pray for passion, but not single-mindedness.  I pray for the welfare of your city, and of all nations, and of the planet itself.  May my life be a sign of peace for your many peoples.  And may my many choices advance your divine dream of healing and well-being for your many children.

All this I ask, in gratitude for your generous presence in my life.  Amen.