Friday, March 13, 2020

TODAY IN COVID-19: "Toilet Paper"

Over the years, dear parishioners have gifted me with many gifts: flowers at just the right time, coffee mugs with funny memes, great books.  But today, for the first time, a friend knocked on my office door to deliver: (wait for it...) toilet paper.  

Years ago, I might have found this strange, maybe even upsetting: a sign that my ministry had run its course!  But we're in a whole new world now, right?  And her effort--making a special trip to deliver TP to her pastor--is one I'll not soon forget.  After all, they're waging hand-to-hand combat in some quarters for the last rolls of toilet paper.  Folks in the paper towel aisle have a frenzied look in their eye.

But, for now, I'm flush.  

So thanks, Angie!  God is good.

The Pastor and His TP

In other news, I wandered into Best Buy this afternoon--and bought a tripod.  It seems the 21st century has caught up with me at last--and it'll soon be time for live-streaming church services.  We're looking to cancel live events (and in-person meetings) for a few weeks; and it's up to me to do some video work and some live-streaming to keep folks connected and in touch.  Pray for me, friends!  I'm up for the challenge: but feebly equipped for it!

The Pastor and His New Pulpit